Friday, May 24, 2013

Time to Replace your Filter

Did you know that you create your own reality? It’s true! We can’t change most events that happen to us but we can change how we interpret those experiences through the use of affirmations.

Affirmations are statements deemed to be true based on past experiences. They can be negative or positive. An example of a positive affirmation is “I am a good writer.” A person with this perception of his writing skills likely had positive experiences with writing in the past. Perhaps he received good grades on his essays and his English instructor told him his writing was improving. An example of a negative affirmation is “I am terrible with math.” A person with this perception of her math skills likely had negative experiences with math in the past. Maybe she received low grades on math tests and the math instructor made negative comments about her assignments. If a person was to receive the same type of affirmation from others over a long period of time, they are likely going to believe these statements are true.
Positive affirmations have been found to help people change behaviors and accomplish goals. Essentially, positive affirmations remove the negative filter on one’s reality and reveal the possibilities. Is it time for you to replace your filter?

Here are steps to create and use your own positive affirmations.
·      Write the statement down

·         Write the statement in the present tense

·         Write the statement to create positive images

·         Repeat the statement to yourself

·         Leave post-it notes around with the affirmation as a reminder (like in your textbook or bathroom mirror)

·         Be aware of negative statements you tell yourself and replace them with positive ones

Here are a few examples of positive affirmations.
·         “I live my life the way that makes me happy”

·         “I deserve all that is good and prosperous in my life”

·         “I have the power to bring about all the positive changes I desire”

If you would like to see additional positive affirmations, you can go to:
·         VitalAffirmations – view a daily affirmation at this website

·         101 PowerfulAffirmations – view daily affirmations on Facebook

·         Speak Up! will also be posting a monthly affirmation in upcoming editions so be sure to check back often