Friday, January 31, 2014

How to Communicate and Problem Solve with your Instructor

1. Identify the Issue—Think through the issue. Focus on specifics and remove the emotions. Consider the instructor’s point of view. Do assume that he/she wants you to do well. Don’t assume he/she doesn’t like you. Then, write out your issue.

2. Make an Appointment—Schedule a time when both of you can sit and talk. Trying to catch an instructor after class or in the hallway means they will not have time to really listen to your concerns or offer many solutions.

3. Be Assertive NOT Aggressive—Emphasize the importance of the issue. Refer to your written issue. Try to keep emotions out. Be careful with the words you use. Be polite. Stay calm. If you find yourself getting angry, try saying, “Excuse me, I don’t mean to sound angry, it is just that this class means a lot to me and I want to do well.”

4. Adopt a Problem Solving/Cooperative Attitude—Let the instructor know that you want to work with them to do better. Ask what help is available or where you can go to find out more information. Also, let the instructor know what he/she does that you find helpful.

5. Listen—Be sure to really listen to what they are saying. If they offer a solution or suggestion, repeat it back to make sure you understand.

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Mark J. Felsheim, Ph.D., 2004

Monday, January 20, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

How Humorous is the Humerus?

Who doesn’t love a good joke? Check out this one.

A professor has a classroom filled with students about to take a philosophy final. The only question on the test is "Why?" All of the students begin to write feverishly. One student, however, writes, "Why not?" and leaves. The professor instantly gives him an A.

Now that was funny! Another word to describe this joke is humorous because humor is the basis of the joke.

Nevertheless, people often misspell humorous as humerous. That’s not a real word because it would be the adjective form of the word humer but that’s not a word either. We do have a humerus bone in our arms, but there’s no humor in that! Just hit the inside of your elbow on a desk and you'll know what I mean.

A trick to remember how to spell the word humorous correctly, as in funny, is to think the “R” is so weak, it needs an “O” on both sides to hold it up.