Friday, August 30, 2013

Being a Couch Potato Can Affect Your Health

Did you know that sitting for long hours at work or school, while commuting, or on the couch at home may be making you sick?

In a recent blog from the Seattle Post Intelligencer, a registered dietitian cautions how sitting for too long can “significantly increase the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and certain forms of cancer.” In fact, some researchers are comparing the health risks associated with too much sitting to those from smoking!

The increased health risks of sitting too long are being linked to the lack of large muscles being used. While in a sitting position, the back and legs are relatively still so metabolism and blood flow decrease. As a result, fat content in the blood increases and HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels decrease.

Here’s what you can do to keep from sitting too much.
  • Stand up and move every 30 minutes (set a reminder on your phone or computer!)
  • Walk to see your co-worker or friends instead of calling or emailing
  • Take phone calls standing up
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Stand and stretch during TV commercials or after reading a few chapters

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Which Word to Choose?

The English language can be difficult to learn because there are words that don’t follow the standard spelling rules. Typically, adding –ed to a verb will make it past tense but not in the case of choose (pronounced as chews). In this case, the past tense of choose is chose (pronounced as choze). As you can see, that the present tense, choose, uses a double ‘o’ and the past tense, chose, uses a single ‘o.’

Here are some examples of these words in action.
Today, you will have to choose what to eat for lunch.
Yesterday, you chose to have a bad attitude.

Click on the following links for further review and practice. The choice is yours!